The Anvil Business Club (formerly the Association of Young Filipino-Chinese Entrepreneurs) is an organization of dynamic entrepreneurs and professionals committed to promoting positive values and influencing excellence in their respective fields, for the economic and social progress of the country.
Keep up-to-date with the most recent news, media resources, and publications from the
Association of Young Filipino-Chinese Entrepreneurs.

Online Exchange Forum with Willy Tee Ten event
Accelerate, Innovate, Move up! Autohub Group Founder Willy Tee Ten Hosts Anvil Business Club's First Face to Face Hybrid Event - Anvil Business Club Forum (March 29, 2022)Automobiles is a necessity in life aside from food, clothing and shelter. That is why Founder Willy Q. Tee Ten (WQT) decided to[…]

Online Learning Event Series Branding for SMEs
Online Learning Event Series Branding for SME's: (Hacks & Myths)

OCTA Research Fellow Guido David Updates the Business Sector on the Latest Covid Trends - Anvil Business Club Online Forum
The Philippines will not be having a Stealth Omicron surge due to the fact that the surge that we have experienced right now is already due to the BA.2 otherwise known as the Stealth Omicron variant. Reproduction rate is going down and is below 1, risk level projections for the week[…]

*PICKAROO* Founder and CEO discusses what it takes to build the first Filipino Unicorn - Anvil Business Club Online Forum
🦄Pickaroo is the *first proudly Pinoy app* here in the Philippines. There are no foreigners, all employees are Filipino. 🦄It was co founded by *Crystal Gonzales* (previously launched foreign apps Honestbee, Viber, Canva) and *Kevin Tan* (CEO of AGI and Megaworld Corporation) 🦄Started August 2020, amidst the ongoing Covid pandemic. Saw 600%[…]

菲華青年企業家商會新屆改選完竣 柯遵堅會長施清瑋副會長李啟明理事長
United Daily News01/15/2022菲華青年企業家商會訊:本會日前遵章進行改選,現任會長李天榮和理事長蔡榮利任內運籌帷幄,出謀劃策,完善組織,擴充會員,開辦了多場大型講座和論壇以及許多社會公益活動,使本會會務蒸蒸而上,在主流社會獲得了廣泛讚譽和影響力,取得了令人矚目的優異成績。但限於章程所限,他們功成身退,分別擔任名譽會長和名譽理事長,繼續輔佐會務。 會議一致推選學貫中西、敢於承擔,辦事認真、眾望所歸的柯遵堅擔任新屆會長,柯遵堅會長長期服務本會,貢獻良多,曾擔任本會理事長,柯遵堅還擔任商總稅務理事,也是尼爾森(Nielson)公司菲律賓、越南、緬甸分公司董事兼總經理,此次當選為新屆會長,可見人心所向,實至名歸。 本會還推選年富力強、富有魄力的施清瑋擔任新屆副會長,他曾經單人本會理事長,任內輸財出力,建樹頗多。施清瑋現任商總青合會共同主任,加洛干市菲華商會名譽理事長,菲華體育總會常務理事等要職,是菲華社會難得的青年才俊。 會議也一致推選年輕有為、才華橫溢的李啟明擔任新屆理事長。李啟明服務本會多年,歷任會員、理事、秘書長、副會長等職務,展現其特有的個人魅力和組織能力。其父親李榮惠和大伯父李榮美暨本會常務顧問對啟明辛苦栽培,現已經獨當一面,堪當大任。 新當選的副理事長有:施天祥、吳肖麗、許鴻傑、陳志良、姚慶輝。他們均為本會的精兵強將;呂良準擔任財政主任,施美美任秘書長。新當選的理事有:許珍如、莊亞燕、蔡旺烈、侯佩瑢、許冠文、黃玲珠、施焜棋、王建榮、施丁華、陳丁山、陳偉煉、丁柏鑽、施如珊。名譽理事有:洪超明、鄺偉業、林雅玲、施清江、陳怡玲、許榮宗。永遠名譽會長為李棟樑。擔任名譽會長的有:李鐘鳴、莊爵華、蔡榮利、蔡裕輝、許家福、許贊楊、許贊逢、李天榮、吳銘燦、蔡恩來、吳彼得、黃奇昭、王敏順、陳俊禮、童偉汶等。新屆理事會就職典禮時間和方式將另行公佈。圖片說明:從左至右:柯遵堅會長,施清瑋副會長,李啟明理事長。
The Board works hand-in-hand with the different club committees to ensure smooth-sailing forums and events. They are in charge of preparing annual budgets and proper usage of Club funds, as well as the creation of programs, policies and goals that would best benefit the organization and its members.
Founded in 1991, the Anvil Business Club shapes the next generation of young Filipino-Chinese entrepreneurs.
As Anvil strives for a healthy economy and progressive society, the Club hones its members' business prowess so that they can become the country's future industry leaders.
Anvil Business Club is an organization of dynamic entrepreneurs and professionals committed to propagate positive Confucian and Filipino values, and to pursue excellence in their own fields for the teconomic and social progress of the country.
To promote positive Confucian and Filipino values through interaction with persons who have exhibited these values in their lives
To provide a forum for dynamic people of diverse interests to share experiences and ideas for the further enhancement of personal and professional development
To bring out the full potential of members through participation in the activities of the Club
To project a positive image of today's dynamic Chinese-Filipino
To increase consciousness of social responsibility through civic and other activities
To establish links with business organization locally and internationally
For inquiries or membership information, look for Anvil Secretariat
Association of Young Filipino-Chinese Entrepreneurs
Unit 806 8th/Floor, Antel Global Corporate Center
3 Julia Vargas Ave., Ortigas Center,
Pasig City 1604, Philippines
Tel. No +63 (2) 310.1096
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